A Sinktastic Tale

Monday, March 05, 2007

Ann Arbor is Friggin' Freezin.

So today marks Day 1- Ann Arbor. I really do think I lost my mind. I heaved my massive luggage (one 78.5lb, one 47lb) into the back of my Dodge Caliber rental. It has been around 20 with whippin' winds and I am painfully aware of what a Cali lightweight I have become.

I spent the day driving in circles and stopping in Borders to hop online to check out more armpit apartments online and schedule drop-ins. I am writing this from a Best Western 'Executive' hotel... and how one defines 'Executive' is a mystery to me. The hotel looks as though the neon lights tracing the indoor pool, as well as the dramatic magenta window treatments haven't been updated since Cyndi Lauper was toppin' the charts with "Time after Time" in '84. On the elavator ride up to my room, the doors did not close all the way. But at least there is wireless and HBO.

The highlight of the trip, thus far, has been Zingermans. This is going to be one of those places you try to take every visitor so they don't think the place you reside sucks major buttocks.

I'll stop being bitter tomorrow.


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