A Sinktastic Tale

Monday, November 14, 2005

Other than celebrating the birth of Rev. Run and Prince Chuck, today I am en route to New Orleans currently for Red Cross deployment and have decided I must be a travel genius. 'Hey E, how 'bout flying through a connecting flight all night and then spending the next day trying to sort out your mission for the next two weeks.' I answer, 'Yup- sounds about right.' I clearly need a sitter; Lindsay was right on with that idea, better post that ad;
Wanted adult baby sitter in charge of keeping important paper work, making logical decisions in social scenes, paying bills, reminding me of important dates, keeping iPod/ cell phone/ laptop charged. I think $4/hr is a fair rate.
And airlines, why the peanuts? a) they are super salty, b) they are never enough. Airlines should give out baggies of gummy bears. I am even open to the idea of gummy worms. Eating a bag of those babies would take longer, be more satisfying and not hardly as dehydrating.


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