A Sinktastic Tale

Saturday, November 19, 2005

Million Meal Mania

So I feel it is remiss of me not to do a full report of any injury sustained by myself, the clutz, throughout this trip... And I am happy to say they are minimal- let me find the nearest piece of wood to knock on... Ok, so here goes:
  • Large chunk of wood behind pointer fingernail- healed with peroxide and a band aid
  • Assorted broken fingernails to be treated with mani ASAP
  • Fat lip (had the jab of a case of water connect with upper lip as a result of not paying attention in dark warehouse)
  • Many paper cuts from opening all sizes of boxes
Considering I have been using box cutters and jumping from tall trucks for a week, I would have to call this SUCCESS- not one concussion or contusion- phew! And one would note that I spend my day travelling around town in an ambulance. Not a safer place around to transport a graceful gazelle such as myself. I mean within 10 seconds of an injury, I can be strapped to a backboard with sirens whaling. I might consider trading in the Buick since I have seen how well this whole rig works out. But I should not count the ole chicks before they hatch; I have 3 more days here. Debating wearing floaties, a helmet and flippers more the duration of the trip...

Oh and I have met Mattei 25 yrs from now. This guy was looking for someone to tell about his time on the road and I happened to be near... Super dooper nice guy, but now all the sudden this guy has 900 stories to tell me about his day, every day. Why does this constantly happen to me? He now seeks me out and I tend to dive into even a port-a-pottie if I am looking vulnerable to a conversation.

Another humorous thing I noticed today is that I am a vegetarian slopping out Grade Q meat to people daily. This stuff cannot even possibly start out as an animal. It glows, has weird tail looking parts, smells wrong... so gross. This experience has only kept me further away from going to the carnivorous side and grabbing a hot dog than I ever was. Between this gig and dishing out dogs at stadiums, I am straight on ever consuming one.

Oh and today was so great because our kitchen served our 1,000,000 meal. Which is an all time Red Cross kitchen high. Now that is a ton of food and many runs around New Orleans, but it was pretty special to take part in!!


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