A Sinktastic Tale

Saturday, December 03, 2005

Ridiculous Holiday Fun

This weekend was packed with activity starting. My company holiday party was Friday and it was O.O.C. Off a pier in San Francisco behind Pac Bell and it was so excessive. The theme was 'Jetaway on Holiday' and when you entered retro flight attendants were welcoming you on board and giving you a flight itinerary. There was a room for London, Dublin, Tokyo, Bombay, and Sao Paulo. Ping pong tables, origami, karaoke, Afro Cuban band- a little overwhelming.

A group of us planned an after party at CLub Q, which clearly had some ties to the adult entertainment industry- zoiks! None of us had seen the space before that night, but the venue came free and we took a chance. I had a great time and I think everyone else did too. Midnight was definitely too early to end that party so I was glad that we could all funnel into another place to keep dancin'!

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Trippin' to Ohio

I got to check in on Lorain and visit the family over the weekend. I would call it an eventful trip home.
  1. I ate too much at Thanksgiving
  2. I went to Biggy's Pub for my bi-annual second-hand smoke fix
  3. Saw an Amish buggy on the way home from Thanksgiving
  4. Checked in on good friends
Only failure was that I did not get out to my favorite old movie theatre in Oberlin, the Apollo, but I didn't feel like sitting through 'Chicken Little.' I did see 'Charlie and the Chocolate Factory' remake- all I can think is eeeeeeeerie.

Sunday, November 27, 2005

Turkey Celebrations

So Colin is definitely my nephew... three minutes into the family room for Thanksgiving with the family, my 16 month old nephew slips on a fire truck and dives forehead first into the fireplace. I thought my Mom was going to swallow her tongue. The kid has got a nice goose egg on his forehead, but he will live. I knew we would get along. We share the graceful chromosome.