Where did the week go?!
This past week was so packed full of places to be, people to see...
- Monday: Dinner with CBish and Elizabeth at Ramblas
- Tuesday: Drinks at Cama & dinner at Tokyo Go Go with Miami Karl, ridiculously good sushi
- Wednesday: Shantal & JJ's holiday cocktail party
- Thursday: work happy hour thing at 1751
- Friday: Brokeback Mountain- so goooooood!
Regardless, we came out from dinner and it was a white out- there was no getting over Echo Pass since snow was falling faster than the army of snow plows could combat. We opted to grab a room and make the best of it. Since we were just planning for a day trip we didn't have any extra clothes. Kate definitely wore her snow pants to the casino that night :) We spent some time at Harrah's, then Harvey's and wrapped up the night with $1 Rolling Rocks at Bill's Casino. After that we went through Raley's grocery and bouthgt the worlds tackiest pajamas (matching pale blue snowflakes for $9) and toothbrushes and retired to the Travelodge.
Sunday I woke up to a buried Buick in front of the hotel. It had snowed about 15inches or something crazy!! After diggin the Bu out, we went to Ernie's- LOVE that breakfast joint. The pass was still snowed in to get back to Kirkwood so we had the car wheels chained and started over Echo pass toward Sierra for the day. The snow was insane, but I fell in line behind a gigundous plow all the way over the mountain so we had a clear track. The day was a blizzard and I was already worked over from the previous day at Kirkwood.
It was super cold, but fortunately I rarely clean out my trunk so it served as a makeshift wardrobe. None of the apparel was snow ready; let's just say I might have been the only one on hippie mountain with a pashmina for a scarf- doh! I was buried in powder for most of the first run. The classic description would be when I was coming up towards Kate parked half way down the hill and I was trying to carve but my leg muscles were giving out. I was like 'Kate, I feel so tired that I can't even...' BOOM! Faceplant. That pretty much summed up my first run. But after chugging an orange gatorade I went back out and we had an awesome day. What a way to start the season!
Oh and we drove by the Venetian... and in the most technical of terms... this seasons rental house is going to be off the chizain.