Apparently St. Anthony is my new BF
First item of biz: Keys found. Sweet relief!!
Just got back from yet another drive along the 80 to Tahoe. Noon to four spent driving with Case-a-dilla whose iPod and antics always entertain. His Biodiesel-powered VW left behind 100s of miles of french fry smelling fumes. Snow fell all day yesterday and the conditions were some of the best I've ever experienced. Too bad visibility was around 15yds. Hey, who needs to know where you're going when it doesn't hurt to fall?
Our Tahoe rental house continues to amaze me with its ridiculous architectural quirks (Koi pond) and failing appliances. The oven has no text to let you know whats going on, the clothes dryer sounds like banshees are invading the basement and the central vacuum system has decided to no longer suck. How the realtor plans to sell this property is beyond me. Regardless, we continue to have a great time and have 3 more months of road trips and ridin'.