My rapper name would be Lay Z
I swear I will some day be able to balance a check book, iron a shirt, have matching socks, and eat balanced meals. But considering my actions today... it will take quite some time before I am jumping over those hurdles. I was hastily picking up my room so that my out-of-town guests would have a respectable place to rest their heads. I love plants, but can never remember to water them- therefore I have bamboo. Water it once every three months and you are golden. Anyhoo, I saw that the poor plant had dusty leaves and was basically suffering from a worse drought than my dating life. Not far from said plant there was an iced tea that I had a few days back... and I thought to myself, 'Walk all the way to the kitchen to get water... or just use this old tea?' I rationalized that tea is just colored water and tossed it in the pot. And then I decided I was the laziest human being and should not be given any lofty responsibility.
Oh, and I think I have lost my digital camera.... again. D'oh!!!!